man-born-blindI was struck this morning by a question Jesus asked.  As He was leaving Jericho, there were two blind men sitting by the road who called out to Him. In response, Jesus stopped and asked them,“What do you want me to do for you?” They responded based on their obvious need. “Lord, we want our sight.”

What struck me was the thought of how I would answer that question. What if right now, this very minute, Jesus were to come and sit beside me and ask, “Esther, what do you want me to do for you?” How would I answer? These men answered according to their need. What do I need that only Jesus can do?

As I sat and thought about this, a number of answers came to mind – things I deeply desire. Help me to please the Father. Help me to desire God’s will above all else. Help me to be completely and joyfully yielded to His will. Sanctify me. Make me holy. Make me a servant. Help me to be truly humble. Help me to glorify God. This is probably a list not much different than yours would be, but which would we choose?  What I realized as I thought through those requests was that they could all be summed up in one response. If I could only ask one thing of Jesus, it would be, “Make me like You.”

I think we can learn a lesson from those two blind men. They were persistent, they were bold, and they knew what they wanted Jesus to do. May we have that same boldness and persistence as we answer Christ’s important question: “What do you want me to do?”