chambersThe often repeated challenge of Oswald Chambers to give “my utmost for His highest” became the title of one of the most widely read devotional books of all time. But coupled with that phrase are also the words, “my best for His glory.” I find those words equally challenging, along with his frequent encouragement to “be absolutely His!” (see June 2011 post)

I’ve been re-reading the biography of Oswald Chambers and find a man who lived out these words in his own life in a remarkable way. He truly was given over entirely to the Lord whom he loved above all else. He was absolutely His and continually gave his utmost and his best to God for His glory.

It has made me take a good hard look at my own life. Truthfully, it’s made me wish I had another life to give to the Lord – that I could start all over again. Obviously, that’s not possible (and I really wouldn’t want to start all over again!). What is possible is for me to choose to be “absolutely His” for whatever years remain – to live each day offering “my utmost for His highest” and “my best for His glory.” There’s a temptation in the later years of our life to feel entitled to take it easy – even spiritually and in service to the Lord.

I would encourage (even urge) you to read Oswald Chamber: Abandoned to God by David McCasland, but with that urging comes a warning. Do not read this book if you’re content with your life now. It’s possible you may be challenged and changed as I have been through the example of this man whose heart was passionately in love with God – who truly gave “his utmost for His highest.”

A “PS” to this post: I am getting “re-blessed” by this book as I go back and pray through the parts I underlined. (See August 25th, 2012 blog.)