Did you know that you can’t exaggerate God? Think of Him in the greatest and most glorious way possible, and He is greater and more glorious. Stretch your mind to its full limit to think of His power, and He is even more powerful. Try to imagine a love that is absolutely pure and perfect, and His love goes deeper still. All of our thoughts about God are just based on glimpses, but even those glimpses bring us to our knees in humble worship.

I love that God is beyond my wildest imagination, my profoundest thoughts, and my deepest longings. He is greater, higher, holier, wiser, and (thankfully) more loving than my mind can conceive. He is all that I need a God for, and He cannot be exaggerated!  And, wonder of wonders, He invites me to build my nest and live in His presence. “Amazing love! How can it be?”