After the recent death of my husband, I was able to spend a few days in NH with my son and his family. Because of their limited space, some of those days I stayed in the home of a family from their church who was out of town. It was wonderful to have time with Dan and his family, but also to have some time alone.

Peter’s death brought with it many questions about what is ahead for me. At this point, they are big questions with no easy answers. I didn’t get any clear answers while there, but I did get a reminder of the personal love and care of the God who knows the answers.

For years I’ve ended almost every day with some blueberry yogurt topped with frozen wild blueberries – a nice bedtime routine.  I wasn’t surprised when opening their refrigerator to find almost completely empty shelves. However, I was surprised to find blueberry yogurt. And in the almost empty freezer were – yep, you guessed it – frozen wild blueberries. These people didn’t know me and had no idea that I would be the one staying in their home. But God did.

The second weekend there I had run out of books to read. I had read the ones I brought and some I had borrowed from the church library. As I glanced through the shelves, it was quickly apparent that this military family had mostly military books – not my choice of reading material. But there, tucked between a book on Winston Churchill and some other military book, was a book by one of my favorite authors, Amy Carmichael. I couldn’t have found a better book – a book full of wisdom and encouragement that is so typical of Amy’s writing and a refection of her deep walk with the Lord. And just what I needed.

What an assurance of God’s care. A God that cared enough to provide yogurt, blueberries, and the right book, could certainly be trusted to take care of my much bigger and more serious needs.

There’s a good reason why God assures us that we don’t need to be anxious about anything. (Philippians 4:6) It’s because He’s the God of the yogurt and blueberries and so much more!