Do you ever wish for a burning bush experience – a time when God supernaturally appears to give you instructions or direction? Well, apparently even that’s not always enough. There stood Moses with dramatic evidence of God’s call on His life (who could want more proof than a flaming bush in the desert?), and yet he still asks, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh…?”

I love God’s response – not just what He does say, but what He doesn’t say. He doesn’t build up Moses’ self-confidence or self-esteem. He doesn’t list Moses’ outstanding qualifications for the job, his superior training from his years in Pharaoh’s court. In fact, he basically ignores the question. He simply says, “I’ll be with you.” If I may reverently re-phrase God’s response: “Bottom line, Moses – it doesn’t matter who you are, it only matters who I am and that I’ll be with you.”

What comfort in God’s response. We may face responsibilities or circumstances for which we feel totally inadequate, and God’s words bring us such hope and encouragement: “I’ll be with you.” I’ll take that over a burning bush any day!