We don’t have a GPS, partly because we don’t seem to go anywhere new, but also because we have seen (and been slightly amused at) the frustration of so many GPS users as they’re directed the wrong way, or the long way, and occasionally to the wrong place. I know of a church that when you put in the address you are consistently sent somewhere else. Each Sunday the pastor wonders how many visitors are sitting in a parking lot across town.

However, we all have times when we need a GPS for our lives – when we’re faced with uncertainty about which direction to take. In those situations, we don’t just want directions, we want right directions.

Psalm 18:1 gives us a wonderful visual of God’s willingness to guide. In the King James it says that God will “enlarge our steps.” I love the picture of large footprints put in front of us that we can’t miss.  In the NIV it says that God will “broaden our path.” Both of these make it clear that God will guide us in a way that is clear and unmistakable.

Yesterday my son went hiking and got lost. He found himself in an area where it became very hard to distinguish the trail. It was a great relief to him when, after a couple of hours of wandering and wondering, the path suddenly broadened. He knew then that he was heading in the right direction.

The Lord makes it clear in Jeremiah 10:23 that it’s not up to us to direct our own steps, but He offers us His GPS – God’s Planned Steps –  which are always clear and always right. Now that’s a GPS worth having!