The view from our "Sparrow's Nest"

The view from our “Sparrow’s Nest”

I’m at the Sparrow’s Nest. Not the one mentioned in Psalm 84 tucked among the poles that supported the tabernacle, but the one located at Delta Lake Bible Conference Center in Rome, NY. Not the sparrow’s nest that is the basis for this blog and my radio blog, but the Sparrow’s Nest that is now our summer home. One is made of twig and straw, the other of boards, but they have one thing in common. They both offer a wonderful view of the things of God.

In Psalm 84, that sparrow looked down on the holy things of God. From her vantage point, she could watch the comings and goings of the priests as they went about their activities in preparation for worship. All about her were reminders of the holiness of Yahweh – the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

From my “Sparrow’s Nest,” I also have a wonderful view of the things of God. We sit tucked among trees with a beautiful view of the lake from our windows. I also watch the comings and goings of “priests” – people who have dedicated themselves to the ministry of this place. They don’t light candles, or butcher sacrifices, but they do mow the grass, paint the buildings, and clean up our “tabernacle” in preparation for the many activities of the summer.

The sparrow in Psalm 84 had found her home – a nest tucked among the things of God in a place set apart for God’s honor and glory. I too have found my home (at least for the summer months), and it too is tucked in among the things of God in a place set apart for God’s honor and glory.

I don’t know if a real sparrow is capable of having a thankful heart, but this “sparrow” has a heart overflowing with thankfulness to God for blessing her with her “nest” at Delta Lake Camp.

One of our first days in the cottage we had a baby sparrow come and visit.

One of our first days in the cottage we had a baby sparrow come and visit.