I don’t think I have ever re-posted a blog before*, but after the news of the last few days I found great comfort in this reminder. I trust you will too.


Do the headlines ever scare you? It can be very unsettling – even frightening – to read a newspaper or listen to the evening news. More and more parts of our world are in turmoil and these are definitely days of “wars and rumors of wars.”

When you hear Christians discussing world events – especially the volatile situation in the Middle East – someone almost always mentions that it certainly seems like these must be the last days. The reality of Christ’s soon return truly is encouraging and offers great hope, but what about in the meantime. What about these days that we’re facing as things worsen daily in so many areas of the world?

I found some wonderful words of encouragement in Scripture recently. I was raised in a denomination with a strong emphasis on missions so the words of Matthew 28:19 and 20 are very familiar. Often referred to as the Great Commission, these words give us instructions as to what we’re to be doing as we wait for the Lord’s return. But the words that stood out to me today were these…“And surely I am with you always…to the very end of the age.” God promises us His presence right to the very last minute that we’re here on this earth.

What a wonderful reminder. God Himself not only assures us of His return, most likely soon, but promises that no matter what these uncertain days bring, one thing is certain – He will be with us! And I think that’s really good news!

*Original date 11/6/12 titled “Good News!”