I love the Word of God. I love how familiar verses and stories suddenly become new. This morning I was reading the story of Jacob as he was on his way to his Uncle Laban’s. It was a long journey and Jacob had to stop for the night. He chose an ordinary place and an ordinary stone for his pillow and went to sleep. However, the next morning he declared, “How awesome is this place!” Same dirt and ground, same stone for a pillow, but something had happened to change it from ordinary to awesome. And that something was the presence of God.

Jacob saw the Lord and that ordinary place became a sacred place. As I read these words, a flood of memories came back. Memories of ordinary places in my life that became awesome because of the presence of God. I didn’t see angels ascending and descending a ladder. I didn’t see the Lord at the top and hear Him assure me of His blessing and promise. I didn’t have the same experience as Jacob, but I had the same awareness of the presence of God and it made an ordinary place a sacred place.

This was a life-changing moment for Jacob and those were life-changing moments for me. I love the assurance that God’s presence is always with me, but I am so thankful there have been times in ordinary places when His presence was so real and His voice so personal that it truly became an awesome place.

On a personal note: I love the many ways God has comforted me since Peter’s death. What a wonderful reminder that there is no more ordinary for Peter – just awesome!