I don’t like mice. Actually, that’s putting it mildly. The truth is, I have a totally irrational fear and dread of mice. I’m staying in our cottage at Delta Lake and have been so thankful for these days alone to read and pray. And then came a mouse—late at night, of course. It was too late to call anyone (but I did anyhow and got no answer). And so, with my feel tucked under me on the couch, I (the much larger and stronger of the two of us) sat in utter fear. My prayer was that the Lord would deal immediately and thoroughly with the mouse. Instead, he gently and lovingly dealt with me through a “series of fortunate events.”

Event #1: I had been watching the biography of John Newton. When it was done, just as the mouse made his appearance, so did the Oak Ridge Boys singing, “Be not dismayed what e’er betide, God will take care of you.” The chorus repeats that assurance over and over again. “God will take care of you!” I have to confess, I’ve never been a big fan of the Oak Ridge Boys (or even knew much about them), but last night they were favorites of mine. I chose to believe that, even in this, God would take care of me. (I had a harder time with the “be not dismayed” part but was working on that too.)

Event #2: I texted my daughter Debbie immediately. Daughters are such a blessing—at least mine are. She lives in Florida so couldn’t do anything, but she stayed in touch and offered every encouraging suggestion and advice she could think of. But most of all, after we hung up, she continued to pray—especially that I would be able to sleep.

Event #3: I got an unexpected late night call from a close friend who stayed on the phone with me as I timidly walked through my kitchen—the dreaded area of the mouse-sighting. I would have avoided it, but there was no other way to get to the bathroom to take out my contacts and brush my teeth. Also, I wanted to set a trap. Well, I didn’t actually want to set a trap, but knew I should. I have those sticky ones which are easy but result in dealing later with a live mouse. Norma, who shares my response to mice, had the wonderful suggestion to put the sticky trap in empty tissue box and then just pick up the box, mouse and all, and toss it out in the morning.

Event #4: I got a text from someone on my publishing team. Again, God’s timing as she assured me of her prayers. She seems to have a very obedient heart to God’s urgings to reach out. Wonderful timing!

Result of those “fortunate” events: Finally, teeth-brushed, lenses out and peanut-butter-enhanced trap set, I went up to bed and slept. Yes, slept! I did sleep with the lights on, but still am amazed that I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep. I know from experience that sleep is not my usual response to fear, but discovered it is a wonderful response to the assurance that “God will take care of you.”

The end of the story is that I am fine and so, apparently, is the mouse since the trap is empty. I plan to leave it there for awhile just in case that little furry thing decides to give God another opportunity to take care of me.