Recently I read these words in Proverbs 19:21: “Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.” There is probably no greater evidence of that than Easter. Man’s plans were in the shouts of “Hosanna” as the crowds welcomed Him as their long- awaited king. Their plans were that Jesus would rescue them from Roman rule and establish the kingdom of Israel once again. How quickly the shouts went from “Hosanna” to “Crucify Him!” And we again see man’s plans pushed to the forefront. Their plans were simply to get rid of this threat to their established religious order.

Man’s plans that prompted the hosannas failed. Man’s plans to crucify Him succeeded because God’s purpose wasn’t in the shouts of “Hosanna” but in the shouts of “Crucify Him!” As we look at the anguish of Good Friday and rejoice in the triumph of Easter Sunday, we are rejoicing in the wonderful truth of Proverbs 19:21. We are celebrating the glorious triumph of God’s purpose over man’s plans.

Have a wonderful Easter!