There are many theological words and concepts found in Scripture that have instigated great discussions and debates, but sometimes it’s the little words that give us insight into the character of God.

I’ve been reading in Isaiah and Isaiah’s message to the nation of Israel isn’t very encouraging, but it is very accurate. “These are rebellious people, deceitful children, children unwilling to listen to the Lord’s instructions.” (30:9). And that’s just one verse of many revealing Israel’s heart toward God. But after all that, we find two little words that clearly reveal God’s heart toward them. “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you…” (30:18)

Yet, in spite of all that He’s just said about them, in spite of their rebellion, in spite of His accurate description of their relationship to Him, yet God’s desire is to be gracious to them. There is a lot of love and grace wrapped up in that little word “yet.”

The other word that struck me is “longs.” His desire to be gracious isn’t motivated by obligation or duty. It’s not just in spite of their rebellion that He’s willing to be gracious to them. God has a deep yearning, a passionate desire to be gracious to them. It what He longs for.

Two little words. And yet those two little words give us a clear glimpse into the heart of God. It was his heart for Israel and, thankfully, it’s His heart for us today. “Yet the Lord longs to be gracious” is His eternal heart toward His creation. I’m so thankful for those two little words.