For many of us, Sunday Schools songs were an important part of our childhood years. And many of those songs included motions – possibly to get the wiggles out of us before it was time for the lesson. But I’ve realized in more recent years that some of those songs taught us some very important theology.

This morning I was overwhelmed with God’s commitment to my care. The more I stretch my mind about the incomprehensible greatness of God, His utter holiness and majesty, the more I am so awed by His intensely personal love and care. As I was thinking about that this morning, I remembered one of those Sunday School songs that taught me that same truth at a very young age.

“Wide, wide as the ocean, high as the heavens above; deep, deep as the deepest sea is my Savior’s love. I, though so unworthy, still am I child of His care, for His Word teaches me that His love reaches me ev’rywhere.”   (C. Austin Miles, 1914)

Many years have passed since I stood singing that Sunday School song – stretching my arms wide,  pointing up and then down to indicate the extremes of God’s love – but they are years that have proven the absolute truth of those words. I’m now at the stage of life where I’m grateful for the assurance that His love and care will continue “even to (my) old age and gray hairs.” (Isaiah 46:4)

I’m thankful for the foundation many of those Sunday School songs gave me. But I’m even more thankful for a life “though so unworthy” that has experienced the reality of God’s wide, high and deep love.