“…for who is he who will devote himself to be close to me?” declares the Lord. (Jeremiah 30:21 NIV)

I have always been challenged by this question. Is it me? Am I “devoted” to being close to God? The Hebrew use of that word implies a giving over even to the point of death. In other words, nothing else is of greater importance—closeness to God becomes my passion, my priority, and my continual pursuit.

I think we see a beautiful illustration of this in the picture of the sparrow in Psalm 84. I’m sure that other birds flew into the temple on occasion, but this one decided to build her nest there. She didn’t want to just flit in and out, she wanted to live there. She “devoted” herself to making that her home.

God invites us to be continually in His presence. The sparrow’s choice was evident by her nest. Where is my nest? Where do I live? Am I just satisfied to flit in and out of God’s presence, or am I building my home there? Perhaps these are questions we all need to ask. Can we truthfully say, “I will give myself over completely, above all else, to being close to God—to building my nest in His presence?”

The next verse in Psalm 84 says this, “Blessed—happy, fortunate (to be envied)—are those who dwell in Your house and Your presence; they will be singing your praises all the day long.” (Psalm 84:4 Amp)