For me it began at the age of eight at a little red table decorated with nursery rhyme decals. I placed a blank piece of paper on the table, thoughtfully picked up a #2 pencil, and began my first book. It bore the lofty title When Revival Comes, inspired by a passion for revival that was my father’s and a passion for writing that was my own. The “book” was never finished, and its few pages are long gone, but the dream of that eight-year-old girl has remained.
And today that dream has become a reality! This is the official release date for The Sweet Side of Suffering. The Psalmist tells us that if we delight in the Lord, He will give us the desires of our heart. I truly believe that the dream of that little girl was placed there by God in anticipation of this day. He has truly fulfilled the desire of my heart – not just to write, but to write His truth. The paragraph above is the opening paragraph in my Acknowledgments. God has used so many people to bring that dream to reality and, even though I have “acknowledged” them in the book, I want to do so again.
Dave Fessenden – you have been a friend, an encourager, and a light along a new and unfamiliar path. Thank you for your guidance.
Marlene Bagnull – God has used you to open doors in an industry where it’s often hard to even find the knob. Thank you for being sensitive to our Father’s voice.
Cec Murphey – thank you for your willingness to invest in the dreams of others.
Becky English – thank you for believing in the message of this book and offering practical help and suggestions.
Diana Flegal – thank you for being my agent, cheerleader, and friend.
July Markham – thank you for your touch on these words that brought clarity to this important message. You have been wise and gentle – the perfect combination for an editor. (And what I failed to include in the book: and to Miranda Gardner who started and ended this process with me. Thank you taking a manuscript and turning it into a book.)
And a thank you that can’t be fully expressed to my wonderful (and patient) husband who has lovingly nagged this book into existence. Thank you for believing that dreams can come true.
But most of all, thank you to my wonderful Heavenly Father, who loved a little girl enough to give her the desire of her heart.
Who knows…maybe my next book will be When Revival Comes.
Very sweet story, Esther. May God use The Sweet Side of Suffering in ways greater than you ever imagined.
Elaine W. Miller
Thank you, Elaine. That is my deepest prayer!